вторник, 5 июля 2016 г.

Grow Your Own Grape Vines

Grow Your Own Grape Vines

All types of grapes require a warm planting site in full sun, moderate water and pruning during the dormant season to control growth and produce abundant fruit.  Alternatively, mother vines can be maintained in a greenhouse and will provide excellent cuttings for propagation as long as there is sufficient light for active growth. See Extension publication Kentucky Commercial Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (ID-94) for a complete grape spray schedule for both commercial and home plantings and a listing of the recommended insecticide sprays.

It might be easier to start again with a cane from the base of the vine and treat the vine like you just planted it. Because the vine will have a large root system, you might be surprised at how fast it will regrow. Not only does the trellis support the weight if the fruit, but it spreads the grape canopy ensuring sunlight penetrates all parts if the vine in addition to promoting good air circulation which is essential for keeping down the incidence of disease. This deficiency is characterized by a yellowing between the leaf veins on the older grape leaves.

Leave the grape in the ground and it may send up new shoots if the roots are big enough and didn't get damaged during the project. French hybrids are crosses between the wild American grape (primarily V. rupestris and V. lincecumii) and the European species (V. vinifera). Some of the hardiest vines include: Valiant, Beta, King of the North, Suelter, Bluebell, Minnesota 78, Eona, Edelweiss, and Fredonia. So, in the winter months, when the leaves have dropped and the vines are empty of sap, they are pruned back almost to the main stem.

Vinifera grapes are not very juicy, but have uniformly tender pulp, easily removable seeds and firmly-adhered skins. Unlike many other plants, it is best not to mulch around the base of your vine as the mulch can keep the soil too cool. One vine could be used in a cubic yard of soil with a small amount of direct sunlight. During the third season, it is very important to prevent the vines from overproducing. Grapevines can provide a leafy green shade on your patio during the summer, or a nice screen from the neighbors on your fence. Should you drop a whole bundle of cuttings and they go everywhere, you will instantly know which is the top and the bottom.

Drastic pruning at planting encourages roots to grow faster than the top and will spur earlier, heavier crops. After they rooted (6wks) in a sand bed with overhead mist (Mike's mist system), I transplanted them to a grow bed and within another 8 wks, they produced flowering rose heads. Reintroduce the wine back into the rinsedout carboys or barrel by pouring it through a funnel. Production of a second-run wine begins at the point when you remove the fermentation bag or strain the pulp out of your initial run. It is extremely difficult to produce high-quality cuttings during the winter months even with supplemental light and heat.

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